Such a busy day!

Had quite a productive day today, been sat on the laptop since about 8am! So I have finally sent away my leaflets to get printed, the tri-fold leaflets are pretty expensive and have quite a lot of info on them so what I’ve decided to do (and what I would also recommend to future PT vols) is buy 250 of these and send them away with my letters to trusts and give them out to people I know will read them, for example teachers, friends and family .leaflet jpeg leaflet jpeg 2I then created a teeny tiny A6 leaflet as they were £15 for 1000 (!!!) putting very brief info onto it which I can post around doors and hand out when I do car boots, cake sales, bucket collections etc. I should receive both sets of leaflets by about Wednesday.

mini leafletI’ve emailed like every retail park in the North East haha and I’m going to visit some local shops about bucket collections. So far I’ve only had one reply from Dalton Park, I’m just waiting for them to email me again about available dates. I’ve ordered some collection buckets off eBay which should be here on Tuesday, I can’t wait for the post this week! Arranging more car boot sales too, the next one will be at Temple Park Leisure Centre, South Shields on February 15th. I’m still awaiting a reply but I’m hopefully going to be selling homemade cakes, cookies etc rather than bric a brac with my amazing friends Chelsea and Ria 😀 I’ve also been selling quite a bit of stuff on eBay (not in the name of PT) to fund extra costs, mainly my inoculations. I have a telephone appointment with my doctor on Thursday to find out how many jabs I need to get, I’m hoping it’s not going to be too many.

My mam has raised £50 for her walk so far and I’ve had an idea for an in school fundraiser- a penny mile! I’ve ran it past my head of sixth form and he likes the idea, still need to run it past the deputy head and discuss it on Monday, but what my idea was was to put a jar in each form class (we already own a lot of jars haha) and start a competition to see who can raise the most pennies, with the winning form getting a prize once I’ve collected and counted them all up with the help of some volunteers (I say volunteers, I mean people who I share frees with who I can bribe). I will then somehow line them up around the school grounds to see how ‘far’ we’ve raised!

I emailed my local newspaper (The Shields Gazette) last night and they rang me today to ask a few questions for the article and they’re coming to take a couple of photos of me on Tuesday. This is such an exciting week!

I think that’s all that’s happened, if not I don’t care because I feel I’ve put plenty information into this post haha!

Speak soon, Danielle x


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